September to-do list:

A few things to consider doing soon:
Now is a great time to clear out new planting beds and apply compost (or leaves and grass clippings) to be ready for spring planting.
Attack those weeds! Commercial herbicides are particularly effective this time of year, as weeds are storing up nutrients in their roots and quickly absorb the herbicide where it counts.
Label your perennials and bulbs before they die back to the ground.
Container grown trees and shrubs can be planted now.
Remove any dead shrubs and trees.
Transplant trees and shrubs after the leaves begin to turn.
Clean up fallen fruit to deter pests and disease.
Remove spent blooms, but don’t do any heavy pruning that would encourage new growth which would be killed by the first frost.
Plant late-season vegetables such as peas, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, kale, brussels sprouts, leeks, lettuce, radishes, turnips, and onions.
Need more tips?  Call us at 410-739-6800!
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FA Hobson Landscaping